McGill Mental Health Services
A list of the mental health support available for McGill students both on and off campus.
Services Provided by McGill University
Health Professionals
Want to see a health professional? Book an appointment with a doctor, dietician, counsellor or psychiatrist through the Student Wellness Hub. General Practitioners are currently conducting most appointments remotely, with limited in-person spots available on Mondays and Thursdays at both the downtown and Macdonald campuses.
Local wellness advisors
Want to chat with a mental health specialist who is familiar with your faculty? LWAs will help to orient and connect you with the appropriate support resource - on-campus or off-campus - for your unique situation. LWAs also offer wellness programming tailored to your faculty and work with departments on wellness awareness, prevention and early intervention.
Office for Students with Disabilities
OSD provides support if you feel that difficulties and impairments are hindering your academic performance while at McGill or if you require assistance with access. You should contact OSD regardless of whether the difficulties you are experiencing are permanent or temporary.
keep.meSAFE’s innovative Student Support Program (SSP) provides students with free 24/7 access to mental health support. This includes in-person counselling appointments with hundreds of licensed counsellors in Montreal and access to mental health care in over 60 languages with diverse counsellors who understand who understand your experience and the unique needs of your community (including LGBTQ2+, BIPOC, immigrant communities, international students, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and more).
Maple Virtual Care
Are you an international student looking to see a healthcare professional? Maple Virtual Care is available to students who have opted-in to McGill's international health insurance (IHI). This allows you to receive 24/7 on-demand access to doctors by secure text or video for advice, diagnosis and prescriptions.
McGill Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
MORSL offers support to students of any religious identity or no particular religious identity who wish to find meaning beyond academics and to form healthy life habits that invite spiritual well-being, inner peace, and that equip them to live harmoniously in a pluralistic society.